Saturday 23 January 2010

A selection of Parks that we have been to




Friday 22 January 2010

School Week

We have had a busy week, seeing friends, and shopping for children's clothes . It is a 30 mins drive to Christopher's school we leave at 7.ooam and get back around 8.15am. We pick him up from school at 12.30pm and return twice a week for swimming lessons at 3.45pm, Christopher also started football lessons today after school. As you can see school days are busy. Stephanie has had a bad cold this week but the medicine from the pediatrician is working. I am looking after Stephanie tonight while Jane and Co, go on a boat trip with friends.

Thursday 21 January 2010

Sunday 17 January 2010

Tutong, Brunei

Today it has stopped raining so we went to Tutong which is a town where the river meets the sea. We walked along the Beach collecting shells. The largest Lizard i have seen walked out in front of us, but i did not get my camera out of my bag in time to take a picture. I have posted a photo of a Painted Bronzeback Tree Snake that David spotted in a tree and a Monkey, one of many in the trees.

Painted Bronzeback Tree Snake

Long Tail Macaque

The Estuary